We need the right to clock off and switch off! 

We call on the Federal Government to legislate the Right to Disconnect to:

Ensure limits around working times
are fundamental for all workers

End unpaid overtime

lock Off and Switch Off Australian Services Union

Protect workers from negative consequences for refusing contact outside of working hours

Clock Off and Switch Off Australian Services Union

Safeguard people from being
pressured to be constantly connected or available to their employers

Sign the petition

To: Tony Burke MP, Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations
We need the right to clock off and switch off!
Australian Services Union - National Office

We need the right to switch off and clock off.

We call on the Federal Government to legislate the right to disconnect to ensure limits around working times are fundamental for all workers, to end unpaid overtime, to protect workers from negative consequences for refusing contact outside of working hours, and to safeguard people from being pressured to be constantly connected or available to their employers.

Why is this important?

Balancing work and home life is essential for everyone. We all want to work hard and feel rewarded in our jobs, but we also need to spend quality time with family and friends, care for our loved ones, enjoy hobbies, exercise, and rest.

For too many people, the work-life balance is off.

Unpaid overtime, contact after hours, excessive workloads and understaffing are systemic issues for many workers. With constant email and phone notifications, an expectation to always be switched on, and blurring boundaries between work and home life, finding the work-life balance is harder than ever.

  • 70% of workers in Australia are often working outside of their scheduled hours

  • 64% of workers have been contacted in relation to work whilst on leave – including sick leave carers leave, annual leave, or long service leave

  • Workers are completing an average of 4.6 hours of unpaid overtime each week – or over a full day’s work each fortnight. That’s $460 of unpaid overtime a fortnight!

It is vital that workers can switch off from work and be properly paid for their hours worked – that includes being paid to be available to respond to work-related calls and emails.

We need the right to clock off and switch off.

  • The right to disconnect is becoming a reality across the world – in countries from France to Spain, Canada, Argentina, and Ireland.

  • 78% of workers support the Federal Government legislating for the right to disconnect.

It’s time for Australia to act.

Join our campaign for the right to clock off and switch off, so we can enjoy time with our family, loved ones and friends!